
Monday, February 18, 2019

Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre - The Victories of Jane Eyre Essay

The Victories of Jane Eyre All people live by their cause codes of disembowel do. Everyone, be they male or female, young or old, has their own sets of values, which they oblige to and which are unchanging even in the face of personal or societal pressures and conflicts to die them up. In Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Jane is tempted legion(predicate) times to submit to others wishes and, thereby, give up her own deterrent example standards and beliefs. Yet Jane remains cockeyed in adhering to her personal code of conduct, namely to maintain feelings of high self-esteem, not to let herself be used and abused by others, and never to give up her religious convictions. Through many disappointments that she is faced with and with her constant try to gain independence and love, Jane never loses her self of self, nor does she give up her moral and spiritual values. Jane Eyre, from the very beginning of the novel, shows courage and self-confidence when she stands up to Mrs. reed instrument for wrongly accusing her to Mr. Brocklehurst of being a liar. Jane, a quiet, pensive girl, who until nowadays took her auntie and cousins torment without saying a word, suddenly could no longstanding hold her tongue. She suddenly felt a need to tell her aunt that as much as she appreciated having her put a detonating device over her head and providing food for her, her existence in Gateshead was nothing less(prenominal) than abominable. She says that servants are treated better than she is, and that Mrs. Reed was not keeping her forebode to her deceased husband to raise Jane as her own child. Mrs. Reed, unable to serve well Janes accusations, leaves the room immediately, thus allowing Jane to bask in the glory of victory for the commencement time in her life. This episode ... ...she tells him of the Rivers family and, most notably, about St. John Rivers whom she refused to link up because of his lack of love or appreciation of her. Jane then marries Rochester re alizing that he is who she wants. Jane has through a tremendous amount of soul searching while away(p) from Thornfield and she now feels able to make the lifelong commitment of marriage as she has gained the moral, religious, and personal capabilities to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, in her many experiences throughout her life. Jane Eyre remains true to her own personal code of conduct throughout the novel. Her strength and courage can be an inspiration to readers no matter what the age, gender, or generation in which they live. The morals to which Jane adheres to are what make Jane Eyre a timeless classic to be enjoyed and learned by each individual.

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